Contemporary 当代 艺术家

Contemporary | Su Xinping: Art, spend my life

Artist: Su Xinping
Born in Jining City, Inner Mongolia in 1960
Deputy Dean of the Central Academy of Fine Arts
Professor, PhD supervisor

Su XinPing Perspective

Su Xin ping was born in Jining, central Inner Mongolia, and now Ulan Qab City. Where the population was only about 30,000 in the 1960s. From today’s perspective, it can only be regarded as a small town, an adobe house, and a few buildings.

In January 1977, I enlisted in the army. The army stipulates that recruits must train in the company for one year, and can only do painting-related work in the second year.

One day after living in the company for half a year, when I was studying to read the newspaper in the evening. I accidentally saw the news about the admissions of the People’s Liberation Army Art Academy . In the newspaper, which caught my attention.

Su xingping Military art

su xin ping decided to apply for the military arts exam, so I went to the leader of the army to talk about my thoughts. I didn’t expect to get the answer that ordinary soldiers can’t apply for the exam. This kind of answer can hardly hit me. At that time, there was only one way for soldiers to enter university, and that was to retire.

Chinese works

After I was discharged from the army, I went to work at Jining City Cultural Center, and I was able to devote all my energy to review. In May, when it was the day of college admissions and registration.

The only professional schools I could choose were the Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts and the Department of Fine Arts of Inner Mongolia Normal University.

Inner Mongolia belonged to In the North China region, national regulations did not allow cross-regional examinations at that time.

As for why I chose printmaking artist as a major, I think it may be a problem of understanding, because I have painted a lot of black and white illustrations in the army. I think black and white painting is just a printmaking.

Oversea life

I was admitted to the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1986. At that time, the academic atmosphere of the Academy of Fine Arts was unparalleled. You can see some clues only from my classmates and colleagues. When I was in school. Yin Jinan and I lived in a dormitory.

However, the selection and conversion process of my major did not go smoothly. My master’s research direction was woodcut.

When I saw the last class of classmates painting stone plates, I was still attracted. For the first time.I saw that it can Painting, and can print very subtle changes. I wanted to try it out, so I secretly borrowed a slate from him.

At the end of the teaching inspection. the teacher in the department saw the lithograph I painted and asked who made it. I was a little nervous about being criticized.

The department leader thought that I was more suitable for professional development in lithograph. and the department decided to transfer me to study at lithograph studio.

Su XinPing Gao ming lu

At the end of 1988, Gao Minglu, the curator of the “Chinese Modern Art Exhibition”, came to the Academy of Fine Arts to select works. When he saw my lithographs. he chose two works and invited me to participate in the exhibition.

Today, it seems that the modern art exhibition is a landmark exhibition in the history of contemporary Chinese art. But su xin ping did not have this awareness at all at the beginning. and even before the opening of the exhibition. Su xin ping went back to my hometown in Inner Mongolia to visit relatives.

Only later did I hear about the grand occasion of the exhibition, and learned that on the opening day of the National Art Museum of China. Almost all participating artists were present. The shooting, the sale of shrimps, the washing of feet, and the incubation of eggs. shocked a series of contemporary art acts that challenge ideology.