
古代 | 如意与瓷器特展 – 龙美术馆 上海 2017.10.1 – 2018.3.31

Ruyi To Be Found Everywhere In Life: Long Museum Exhibition of Chinese Ruyi and Porcelain

Dates: 1.10.2017-31.3.2018
Opening hours: 10:00-17:00 (closed on Mondays)
Location: PUDONG Long Museum
Address: 3398 Longteng Avenue, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China

Many Chinese greeting words used in daily life or during festivals include two Chinese characters “Ru” and “Yi” (literally “as desired”), like “good luck”, “all the best” and “happy lunar new year”. “Ruyi”, as our casual and habitual use, actually carries deep and rich cultural connotation since ancient times. As a metaphysical concept, the word “Ruyi” appeared as early as in “The Book of Han”. At that time it was not only used literally to indicate “as desired”, but also as the given name of a member of the royal family Liu. As a secular concept, “Ruyi” was one of the most fascinating material objects left in ancient life.

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